It’s amazing what testing organizations and colleges will do for homeschoolers. While I can’t speak for all of them, I can tell you about our experience.

As I said earlier, my daughter has high-functioning autism, visual difficulties that interfere with reading, and problems with stress and anxiety. We had her take the ACT with no writing (she has dysgraphia and has been touch-typing at a reasonable speed since she was 7, so not going there with timed writing and then poor soul trying to interpret her handwriting.). We requested that she be given additional testing time if she needed it and that she get the large-print version of the test.

I didn’t have any formal public school ARD or disabilities documentation – which would have made asking ACT accommodations a cakewalk – but I did have testing that my daughter had done through physical and occupational therapy for visual, motor skill, and sensory integration problems and from psychologists who’d done specific language and autism assessments, etc.

The wonderful folks in the accommodations department at ACT wrote back and said that based on the documentation of my daughter’s autism and visual problems they recommended that she take the test over multiple days during a three-week window. We hadn’t asked for that and it was the first time in my daughter’s life that we asked for accommodations and someone not only agreed without a fight, but offered more than we asked for. We were so appreciative of their thoughtfulness. I called and wrote to them later to let them know that they enabled my daughter’s success. I don’t think she could have finished the ACT or done anywhere near as well if they had not offered the suggestion of taking the test over multiple days.